Monopolistic Competition and Price Discrimination as a Development Company Strategy in the Primary Housing Market

Firms operating in the property sector use information asymmetry and the local monopoly to differentiate prices of housing units. Selling similar housing to purchasers at various prices allows them to maximize profits. The aim of this article is to analyze empirically the behavior of developers, that shape the market situation. It is necessary to depart from the classical analysis of enterprises that operate in a free and competitive market and produce typical, homogeneous goods. We analyze firms that produce heterogeneous goods and make individual trans-actions with each client. We use the hedonic regression to compare the theoretical and empirical prices per sq. m. of dwelling in the primary market in Warsaw and find significant dispersions. The price discrimination strategy, can be one of the explanations of the observed high, upward elasticity of prices.


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£aszek, J. , K. Olszewski, J. Waszczuk 2016. ‘Monopolistic Competition and Price Discrimination as a Development Company Strategy in the Primary Housing Market.’ Critical Housing Analysis 3 (2): 1-12.