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Instructions for authors

Critical Housing Analysis (CHA) welcomes papers on housing related issues that contain:

  • Original and innovative theoretical arguments;
  • Original and innovative findings;
  • Original and innovative research methods and strategies (qualitative, experimental, inter-disciplinary) or international comparisons with a strong sense for contextual and institutional differences;
  • A critical discussion of existing theories and their underlying assumptions;
  • A critical discussion of recent research findings, dealing, for example, with perspectives that have been missed, with unsubstantiated underlying assumptions, or with framed or ideologically driven discourse;
  • A critical assessment of the methodology applied in housing economics, housing policy studies, housing finance and housing system analysis;
  • A critical evaluation of housing practices and policies in specific cultural and institutional contexts, especially in countries less represented in mainstream housing policy discourse;
  • A critical discussion about forms of housing research organisation, funding, policy interventions, publication standards and rules.


CHA is particularly interested in publishing papers that provide:

  1. Innovations in methods, theories and practices used in housing-related research. The journal especially welcomes papers that apply original research strategies (such as a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodology, interdisciplinarity) or an international comparison sensitive to contextual and institutional differences. The papers should provide new and fresh research perspectives that enable a deeper understanding of housing markets, policies and systems. The innovations need to be justified, but they may also be ‘a work in progress’, i.e. not yet fully verified with findings.
  2. A critique of assumptions, methods and theories used in housing-related research. Such critical evaluation must be well-founded (empirically or using consistent logical argument) and convincing, but the author(s) need not already have come up with a solution for overcoming the theoretical or methodological weaknesses criticised in the paper.
  3. A critique of applied housing practices and policies in specific cultural and institutional contexts, especially in the context of countries that are less represented in mainstream housing policy discourse. The critical assessment of policies must be analytical, must offer new perspectives and must have potentially wider policy implications.

Prerequisites for the publication of a paper in CHA:

  • The corresponding author must be registered with CHA before the paper is submitted (Register);
  • The submitted paper should be between 2,000 and 3,500 words including a short abstract and references (shorter texts are even more encouraged);
  • The submission must be formatted according to the formal instructions for authors (see Manuscript preparation) and must include the full names and addresses of the authors, reference list, etc.;
  • The authors must sign licencing agreements after the submitted paper is accepted for publication (see Copyright & licensing).


The Editorial Board will accept papers that show originality and/or well-founded (convincing) criticism; that are coherent, stay on topic, provide clear and convincing examples and are not ideologically driven. The board will not accept papers that:

  • Contain unfounded allegations;
  • Are not relevant (outside of the housing-related area) (see Aims & scope);
  • Are unethical, use vulgarities or support discrimination, violence, personal abuse, etc. (see Ethical requirements);
  • Have not been submitted only to Critical Housing Analysis; are under consideration or peer review or accepted for publication or in press or published elsewhere.
  • Are longer than the maximum word count;
  • May be accused of plagiarism. Critical Housing Analysis uses Crossref Similarity Check to screen for unoriginal material.


Critical Housing Analysis has a web-based online submission and peer-review system. All papers must be submitted via the online system. Authors (or at least the corresponding author) must be registered users.

Guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript are provided below.


  1. Editorial process
  2. Ethical requirements
  3. Manuscript preparation
  4. Reference guide