Living in Large Urban Developments: A Critical Understanding of the Housing Experience

This article critically reviews international literature on the social aspects of vertical living. It identifies three research approaches – the built environment effect, the differentiated built environment effect, and the human-environment interrelation – and two focal social orientations of research – suitability and experience – as well as four spatial orientations – space, design, verticality and volume, and technology. The article emphasises the need to extend the scope of future research beyond the building to the residential complex, clusters of complexes, and the entire city in order to better understand relations between volume and experience. It also calls for a more complex investigation of the vertical dwelling experience that would include residential aspirations, new neighbourly roles, and identities.



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Gershon-Coneal, O. , E. Eizenberg, Y. Jabareen 2024. ‘Living in Large Urban Developments: A Critical Understanding of the Housing Experience.’ Critical Housing Analysis 11 (1): 31-45.